An Anti-Jewish Conspiracy?
Joseph Pearce2025-02-16T12:28:27+00:00Is Shylock the victim of a conspiracy against him? All will be revealed... In a Nutshell with Joseph Pearce 16: Conspiracy aganist Shylock?
Is Shylock the victim of a conspiracy against him? All will be revealed... In a Nutshell with Joseph Pearce 16: Conspiracy aganist Shylock?
Should we hope for unity in a divided world? Unity or Charity? ~ The Imaginative Conservative
A little romantic reading... 2 Novels and a play that illuminate true romantic love
In this episode, Fr. Fessio, Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce begin chapter seven and reflect on Chesterton’s description of chronological snobbery or the modernist belief that progress and evolution are always good. Chesterton argues that if progress is to be good, it must be aimed at an ideal that is fixed, complex, and maintained with [...]
My interview on Annunciation Radio with Patricia Oedy-Murray in which we take a deep dive into classic literature... LITERATURE MADE SIMPLE | The Virtuous Life | 2-10-25
I hope you might be able to join me at the eighth annual Catholic Literature Conference in New Hampshire next month. Check out the details here:
Fame and the fortunes of those who pursue it...
Singing the praises of the heroes of the Vendée...
These recently published Catholic novels will make good gifts for Saint Valentine's Day...
This week, we continue the discussion of Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton: Here are the discussion questions covering pages 93–108: What is the one real objection to the Christian religion? What was the combination between two almost insane positions which somehow amounted to sanity? Is virtue in a balance or is it in a conflict? [...]