Members Area

Members Area2025-02-11T12:48:31+00:00

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You are invited to join me in my mission of evangelizing the culture. Together, in a fellowship of friends, we can support each other in this important work, the quest for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. How can you join this fellowship of friends? No wizardry or magic ring is necessary. It’s as simple as making a monthly contribution to my work. For $10 a month, you will gain access to the “Inner Sanctum” of my website. Once you’re a subscribing member, you will pass through the door and receive access to exclusive content.

Inner Sanctum Topics:

Within the Inner Sanctum lies a wealth of material, old and new, not accessible anywhere else. The podcasts, essays, and courses already include:

  • A 45-part course on Tolkien and Lewis
  • A podcast series on Chesterton and Belloc
  • Poem of the Week – I select poems to read aloud and discuss each week.
  • Revisiting Old Favourites – Weekly readings and discussions of my favourite literary works.
  • Home is Where the Hearth is – Discourse on any and every topic within the spheres of literature, the arts, politics, and anything else that comes to mind!

As I divert some of my time and energy from remunerative engagements in order to produce content for my website, I still must make a living. If you benefit from my work and would like to help, please do join my fellowship of friends. Come further up and further in by opening the door of the Inner Sanctum!

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